PhD positions at KTH Speech, Music and Hearing

KTH copyThe KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is looking for  PhD students in “Social Robotics” and related areas.

The positions are hosted by the department of Speech, Music and Hearing (TMH).
TMH is an internationally distinguished group within speech technology and associated fields dating back to the 1950s. Research at the department is truly multi-disciplinary including linguistics, phonetics, auditory perception, vision and experimental psychology. Rooted in an engineering modeling approach,its research forms a solid base for developing multimodal human-computer interaction systems in which speech, music, sound and gestures combine to create human-like communication.

KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is the largest and oldest technical university in Sweden.  Education and research spans from natural sciences to all branches of engineering and includes Architecture, Industrial Management and Urban Planning.

TMH is hiring up to 4 PhD students in four connected but distinct areas:

  • Data-driven methods for dialogue systems.
  • Collaborative robots in future factories.
  • Human behaviours in face-to-face interaction.
  • Data-driven modelling of interaction skills.

Read the full job description here.