The AI Festival, organized by IIIM and CADIA, was held last Friday October 23rd, with over 100 attendees. The festival this year was devoted to the possible dangers man kind faces from the use of artificial intelligence and how AI does not need to posses a human like personality with its own goals and desires to be a threat. Continue reading Terminator at your doorstep?
Tag Archives: artificial intelligence
Artificial Pedagogy: PhD Thesis Proposal Defence by Jordi Bieger

Today Jordi Bieger will defend his PhD Thesis Proposal on Artificial Pedagogy. The defence is open to the public and will take place at 12 noon in M111 at Reykjavík University. Continue reading Artificial Pedagogy: PhD Thesis Proposal Defence by Jordi Bieger
AI Festival 2015: Terminator at the Doorstep – Just how Dangerous is AI?
Together with Reykjavik University’s CADIA, IIIM has revealed the schedule for this years AI Festival. Join us for an afternoon of lectures and discussion on Friday October 23 from 3-5.30 pm. All the lectures will be in English and the festival is open to everyone.
Location: Reykjavik University, Lecture Hall V101
15.00 Introduction – Dr. Hannes H. Vilhjálmsson, Director of CADIA
15.10 Killer Robots Coming Soon: What Can We Do? – Dr. Noel Sharkey, Emeritus Professor of AI & Robotics, U. Sheffield
15.55 Why an AI Lab Needs an Ethics Policy – Dr. Kristinn R. Þórisson, Director of IIIM
16.15 Coffee
16.30 Panel: Noel Sharkey, Kristinn R. Þórisson & Salvör Nordal on the Ethics of AI, Robotics & Neurological Enhancement. Moderator: Þorbjörn Kristjánsson philosopher.
17.05 Artificial intelligence in industry and academia – posters and demonstrations / Refreshments
Grapevine: AI not Scary
Recently, Dr. Kris R. Thorisson sat down with the Grapevine and talked about technological and ethical challenges of AI, and much more. Read the interview here.