Meet Us During Visindavaka Festival – European Researchers’ Night 2010!

Logo for Visindavaka 2010 at Reykjavik Art MuseumWe cordially invite you to come see us during the Visindavaka festival on September 24th! At this annual event, held at the Reykjavik Art Museum in Hafnargata (see map below), you’ll get a chance to learn about our work: How we want to accelerate processes of innovation in ways never before possible, using intelligent software and simulations.

You will get a chance to see many other exciting individuals, institutes and companies in areas of scientific research and development (participant list hasn’t been published, but should soon appear on this page, which still contains last years list).

If you’re interested in how our technologies could benefit your enterprise, or how you can support our work; IIIM Director Kristinn R. Thórisson will be there in person to answer any questions from 19:00 to 20:30 o’clock. You’re also welcome to schedule a meeting by contacting our Administrative Assistant, Laura Nesaule, either through our contact page or by direct email to laura * (replace * star with @ symbol).

Official Visindavaka Announcement

Vísindavaka 2010 verður haldin föstudaginn 24. september 2010. Rannsóknamiðstöð Íslands, RANNÍS, stendur fyrir Vísindavöku en hún er haldin samtímis í helstu borgum Evrópu í tengslum við Dag vísindamannsins. Evrópusambandið styrkir verkefnið, en Vísindavaka verður haldin samtímis í fjölmörgum borgum Evrópu. (European Researchers’ Night)

Markmiðið með Vísindavökunni er að færa vísindin nær almenningi, kynna manneskjurnar á bak við vísindin og vekja fólk til umhugsunar um mikilvægi rannsókna- og vísindastarfs í nútímasamfélagi. Verður það gert með lifandi kynningum og boðið upp á skemmtilega og fræðandi viðburði fyrir alla fjölskylduna. Allar vísindagreinar eru kynntar á Vísindavöku, hugvísindi jafnt sem raunvísindi.

Location of Reykjavik Art Museum

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