Tag Archives: event

Come visit us on IIIM & CADIA Open Day


Spring has arrived and it’s time for the annual IIIM & CADIA Open Day. This is a great opportunity for all of those interested in the newest achievements in the field of AI as they can join the IIIM and CADIA researchers for an afternoon of exciting and informative presentations. Continue reading Come visit us on IIIM & CADIA Open Day

Ambient Assisted Living-Presentation from IIIM and CADIA’s Open Day

Dr. Hannes H. Vilhjálmsson.

Dr. Hannes H. Vilhjálmsson introduced the Ambient Assisted Living project which is aimed at solving some of the challenges presented by the world’s aging population. Dr. Vilhjálmsson envisions a complex system that would allow older populations to remain in their homes and independent for as long as possible. The system would receive streams of information to determine if someone is cooking, resting, or in distress so that it could solve real world problems by responding appropriately.  Continue reading Ambient Assisted Living-Presentation from IIIM and CADIA’s Open Day

Video Presentation from IIIM and CADIA’s Open Day – Dr. Deon Garrett

Dr. Deon Garrett.

On IIIM and CADIA’s open day last spring, Dr. Deon Garrett introduced two projects on Machine Learning. The first, Simultaneous Machine Learning of Many Diverse Tasks, involves creating new techniques for developing and evaluating methods for learning multiple skills through interaction with the real world. A second project revolves around improving the ability of artificial agents to have natural-sounding dialogues with humans by learning through experience.  Continue reading Video Presentation from IIIM and CADIA’s Open Day – Dr. Deon Garrett