IIIM spin-off company Aldin Dynamics has been working in the field of virtual reality for over a year now, haven most recently announced that they are working on a game for Gear VR — a mobile head-mounted display that Samsung is creating in collaboration with Oculus VR, LLC.
Recently Aldin’s founders, Hrafn Thorisson and Gunnar Valgardsson, were interviewed by the Icelandic medium Morgunbladid. The video interview can be watched here (in Icelandic), in which they discuss Aldin’s progress so far.
Continue reading Aldin Interviewed About Virtual Reality in Morgunbladid →
It has been confirmed that Aldin Dynamics is among an exclusive number of developers already creating software for Samsung’s new Gear VR smartphone-powered virtual reality headset, a product that was only announced last Thursday, September 5th. The announcement caused quite a stir in the VR world since it was revealed that Oculus and Samsung are collaborating on the product. Continue reading IIIM’s Spinoff, Aldin Dynamics, Working on a Gear VR Title →

The Guardian published a feature article yesterday on virtual reality and the upcoming Oculus Rift VR headset. IIIM spin-off Aldin Dynamics is interviewed regarding their VR development and collaborative research with IIIM.
With the introduction of Oculus Rift, consumers finally have the chance to immerse themselves in virtual worlds on an entirely level that has been impossible to achieve with 2D computer monitors. Continue reading IIIM Spin-off Aldin Dynamics Covered by The Guardian →
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